
Today we hate our house

Some may successfully argue that this is a daily occurrence... but it's especially true today. Now that we've officially finished the basics of the green bedroom, we've made it our new sleeping quarters in order to turn our focus back on the white one to finish the trim and moldings. So with fresh sheets on the bed and renewed excitement about our progress, we slept in the green room for the first time last night.

"Sleep" is not really the appropriate word to describe it though, really. As soon as our heads hit the pillow, we realized whenever the wind blew, several dangling pieces of siding just outside the window would blow around and sound like a mix of whips cracking and feet running up the stairs. It was a really stormy night, so as soon as we would manage to fall asleep the rogue siding would jolt us awake.

It reminded me of those summers sleeping on bunkbeds at Camp Kanesatake (they have a website now!) as a kid, when you would undoubtedly have a bunkmate who would toss and turn all night on those loud vinyl mattresses. You don't need sleep at summer camp, but you do when you're an adult and you have to wake up early the next morning to go to work.

House, just when I was beginning to forgive you for not being square and for eating up all our time and money...

1 comment:

  1. I think the floors look awesome! Can't wait to see them!


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