
Refined Pallets

I worked the night shift at the Mead factory for three summers in college, paying for my tuition with paper cuts, hard work and sexual harassment. (Ahh, memories...) I learned a lot of valuable life lessons for sure -- but as I packed box after box of freshly minted notebooks and stacked them onto splintery pallets, never once did I consider the pallet's potential as home decor. Until now.

Pallets have been making the rounds on design blogs lately, and because I'm cheap and don't mind a little sanding, this is a fad I can get behind.

Simple, serene and surprisingly inviting. (Sandbox Studio)
This has been featured everywhere, and with good reason. Coolest nursery ever. (Ashley Ann Photography)
Painted white with a more sophisticated vibe. (Apartment Therapy)An unexpected and beautiful non-bed idea. (Remodelista)
Before I try any of this myself I want make sure the pallets I use are free from any of the unsafe chemicals that are typically used to treat them. Anyone have any ideas about where I can find safe or otherwise untreated pallets?


  1. You could have your parents check at that blue building along 522, right before Tops. Aren't they a pallet place?


  2. How about some of that old fencing material?

  3. Good points, guys. That old fencing is definitely going to be put to good use somehow! And Lace - I forgot about that pallet place. I'm not sure how that's possible since I used to drive past it EVERY DAY and even worked next door... haha sad. I'll have to get my dad to do some investigating there.


Thanks for reading! I love your thoughts, feedback and suggestions. Keep 'em coming!