
Where I'd like to be today

I've been feeling under the weather the past few days. I'm not sure if it's allergies or a cold, but I'm just trying to take it easy between deadlines and conference calls. S and I sometimes have to work hard to not get burned out between our jobs and house projects and family stuff. With a few days' rest I should be ready to tackle everything the next few weeks are slated to bring. (Among them are S's sister's wedding, our 5 year college reunion in Providence and starting work on our kitchen.)

This photo represents where I'd like to be today... Sitting on that rugged old bench, surrounded by simply beautiful things, taking a break and looking out the window. When I say I'd like to be there, I think it's more of a mood than a place -- calm, collected, peaceful.

I do love the gray-green trim, the recycled glass vase, the pretty flowers and all the items from nature... In fact, I wish I had a little sunroom just like this.

Where would you like to be right now?

Image from Sandbox Studio.


  1. AnonymousMay 13, 2010

    I'd like to be chillin' with you-- chatting on the beach, waves lapping over our feet, and our favorite books in hand. For now, I'll just kick back with a cup of hot tea and remember those times that we were doing just that. --

    Miss you,

    P.S. Enjoyed whiling away the evening hours with you on the garden porch a few weeks ago. Seemed like old times.

  2. Totally agree! That's a gorgeous room :)

  3. Bummer about being sick. I totally understand needing a few days to get back into the mood for home project. We just bought another house and I think it's going to take some getting used to get to workign on the house every night. It's been pretty nice just hanging out at the house at night. ;)

  4. Mom, that sounds excellent. Can we leave right now? I have a new swimsuit and I'm still reading Cranford. I'm ready to go.

    Kim - You found THE house? Awesome! I darted over to your blog right away to get the details, and I am still hanging in suspense! Are you going to sell your current house or rent it out? We've got our eyes peeled for our next investment but haven't found the one yet. Looking forward to reading about your newest adventure!

  5. I'd like to have a sunroom like that too... however, the reality is probably that if I DID have a sunroom like that, bugs would be all over the place. It's hard enough keeping bugs out of our house, let alone a sun room. The bug of the moment are the earwigs! I have been finding them hanging out on my back porch door, clinging to the curtain. This is NOT ok with me...

  6. I love the logs in the room.

    Coming to Providence - did you both go to Brown? That's where I work. I hope it's a gorgeous weekend for graduation/reunions!

  7. Linds - My house is already filled with bugs, with spiders being the primary bane of our existence. Half our house is still a construction zone, so we can't do much about it except check the bedsheets before we turn in for the night. Awful but true.

    Nikki -- Yes, we both went to Brown! We may run into you while we're there. I'll keep an eye out. :-)


Thanks for reading! I love your thoughts, feedback and suggestions. Keep 'em coming!