
And the winner is...

Thanks to everyone who entered the giveaway for the Black & Decker Classic Toast-R-Oven! Some of your bare-cupboard food choices were hilarious, by the way. I enjoyed reading them. My most desperate moment was when my car got stuck during the freaky snowstorms this past winter, and all I had on hand to eat for lunch were some prunes and a jar of almonds...

Anyway my lovely assistant, Random.org, reached in and picked Whitney Reeder as our lucky winner!
Hooray! Now Whitney will be able to toast something delicious in a pinch instead of eating ancient half-decomposed Ritz crackers. (Check your inbox for details, Whitney!)

I hope you all had a great weekend! I will be back again soon with updates on what we accomplished (and, in other cases, didn't accomplish...)

1 comment:

  1. oh no - now my horrifying experience is public knowledge! :)


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