
The Dentist Chair. {Or, Grin and Bear It.}

My dad and I bought it this vintage dentist chair an antique store for $100 one summer 6 or 7 years ago, when I was in college. We kind of laughed at it at first, but one sit was all it took for us to know it was coming home with us. It is unbelievably comfortable and truly perfect for reading. And obviously it's an attention getter; some people think it's awesome, and others are completely uncomfortable and develop toothaches just looking at it. No one is just ambivalent about the dentist chair, but hardly anyone can resist sitting in it.

It's been sitting in the garage for several months just waiting for some space to open up in the living room. (Considering we also have a fridge, a washer, a dryer and a treadmill in our living room, there just ain't much extra room right now...) But when we got rid of our huge sectional this winter, that opportunity arose. S surprised me on Valentine's Day by bringing it up to the house in what he calls "the greatest feat of human strength" of his entire life. (Keep in mind S played Division I football in college and is also a former power lifter.) The thing is heavy. And he carried it all by himself through the February snow and mud.

And me, I was extremely excited to see it again, but I was crying when I walked in the door that night because I had fallen in the icy mud outside and was certain that I'd permanently rattled our unborn child. (No harm done. I landed quite gently.) I'm happy to have my old friend back. It just feels right to have it back. A lot of our furniture is practical and subdued; this chair is like the funky bracelet or pair of shoes that gives a classic outfit a shot of personality.

But anyway, I totally understand if you think it's crazy and weird, and you're totally welcome to say so... but whether you love it or hate it, the dentist chair is here to stay. If you come over and take it for a spin, you'll understand why it's the best seat in the house. (Any house.) Just be sure to floss first.


  1. Wow, you're pregnant?!! Congratulations - I have been so busy this entire year I've hardly looked at personal stuff, had the chance today to look thru blogs and wow! How exciting. My first was born August 27. It's convenient because school clothes always make a nice birthday present ;-) She'll be 25 this August so I don't have to worry about that anymore. (Now it's all about $$$) About the dentist chair, it does look really comfy for reading, but eh, I'm not so fond of the dentist. Take care of yourself, Anna

  2. I think this is cool as hell! And for $100? I would have bought it for sure!

  3. It looks comfy. In the moments before my dental work starts, I am always very comfortable. So as long as you don't ask to see my teeth when I sit there, I'm sure I'd enjoy it. :-)

  4. I love the funky bracelet of your living room. It's awesome.

  5. The chair! I had forgotten about it. I always loved it in your dorm room!

  6. EK:

    It's blue. Where do you spit?


  7. Fantastic - I have one of these too. My husband's father is a dentist and we salvaged it when he upgraded about 15 years ago - they are soo perfect for reading.

  8. I love it! It's fun and quirky and has a story. Perfect.

  9. That chair rocks, Emily! Dentist chairs are comfortable for a reason. They lessen the anxiety the patients may feel, and that makes things easier for the dentist. By all means, keep it there! Maybe you can decorate it somehow so that people won't cringe by the mere sight of it. LOL! :)

  10. AnonymousJuly 13, 2011

    Nice chair, does it work?


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