

Dusty shoes, dusty brain, new tile
I didn't do a Thanksgiving post; I was too preoccupied hanging out with family and eating mashed potatoes to the point of sickness to open my computer. No regrets about that. Thanksgiving is my favorite, and I'd still be reveling in it if time didn't move so darn fast.

But I was thinking last night about this little blog and what it has meant to me, and I am so thankful.

One week from today, an inspector will come to assess our home's value so we can consolidate our mortgage and home equity loan under a lower interest rate. The deadline is looming large, and it's clear that we just won't be able to tackle every project still on the To Do List before the inspector arrives. We'll do everything we can and hope for the best. Fortunately, if the assessment does not go well, it's not the end of the world. We'll be out a few dollars, we'll probably have to refinance under a slightly higher interest rate, and we'll have to do some more work before trying again. It's kind of like taking the SAT. You can always hand them some more of your money and try it again.

However, we're still so stressed this week. For me, the frustrations of the past five years are culminating and about to boil over. We're so close to being "done," but these last hurdles are toughies. We finally have to take a leap of faith to attempt the hardest projects that we've been puzzling over for months and months, unsure of how to proceed. [Gulp.] Though I'm home sick today with a sore throat and a pounding headache, this evening I got a babysitter for Johnnie so I can prime the trim on six doors and three windows; sand and stain various bits of wood, and clean, clean, clean. This is no time for nursing a cold! Plus, when I keep moving, things get done and the stress reduces.

I am thankful for this blog because it has truly gotten me through the past five years of living in and working on this house. My readership is pretty modest and my own participation has been somewhat reluctant at times, but looking back, I realize that blogging has kept me sane. It has helped me through really busy times like now; it has helped me during slower times when we couldn't muster either the energy, the funds or the desire to keep moving forward; and it has helped me when we brought a newborn home to this chaos.

I guess the therapeutic part of blogging is what has made me shy away from doing the tutorials and inspirational posts that drive many DIY, renovation or lifestyle blogs. There's enough of that out there already. I have just needed to tell our renovation story to anyone who wanted to read, because if I didn't my brain may have actually turned to sawdust. So, while blogging has basically been an entirely selfish endeavor for me, thank you so much for reading along. I'm really grateful for the encouragement and response you've given me over the past few years as I've shared our progress, woes and sawdust with you.

When we've recovered, you can all come over for a party to celebrate, because this is your victory too.


  1. EK:

    Get well soon. I freely admit to checking your blog at least three times each day. (Morning, Lunch and before leaving work) You, "S" and li'l Johnnie are the closest friends that I have, that I don't actually know. (Oxymoron) I am sure that your parents are very proud of you. How could they not? I've been a on-looker of your project since '10 and have enjoyed your progress very much. Thanks for posting.

    1. It's an honor to be your internet friend, Mel, and it's truly very nice to know you're always reading. Thank you. And I think my parents are more sympathetic than proud at this point. :)

  2. I actually like watching what you have done and learning what you want to do........you two have truly accomplished an incredible amount of work to restore the cabin and make a home for yourselves. Good job!

    1. Thank you! I truly appreciate your support and kind words!

  3. I've really enjoyed your blog since I found in Apartment Therapy a few years ago/ I appreciate the mix of home improvements and Johnnie posts, without the blog ever feeling forced, like you are trying to sell your readers something (some blogs I can't even read anymore because of this). The fact that this blog is an outlet for you is apparent in your writing and there is an element of tranquility in the way you write (even when you are stressed and venting!) I've really enjoyed getting glimpses into your life.

    Also, I expect you to make good on that party invitation :-D

    1. Thank you! That trend in blogging has made me stop reading some of my old favorite blogs too. And don't worry, I'll put you on the guest list when the party goes down. ☺


Thanks for reading! I love your thoughts, feedback and suggestions. Keep 'em coming!