
Adventures in Maine: The House

As promised, Maine pictures! (I realize this is straying from my overall house renovation topic, but at least this post is about a house... it just happens to belong to someone else!) This is the beautiful cedar-sided house in Boothbay, Maine, where S and I stayed all last week with a small group of friends. I loved looking at all of the New England architecture, styling and craftsmanship throughout our trip, and our house had a lot to admire as well.

The property is located right on Knickerbocker Lake just a few minutes from the tiny, touristy town of Boothbay. We spent a lot of time kayaking and just enjoying the amazing scenery around the lake. And yes, in fact, we are officially old people who enjoy this type of thing.

View from the back deck, complete with a kayaker passing through:
The house had an appropriate lodge-like feel that wasn't too hokey, which was a pleasant surprise. (I was expecting to see a big moose head on the wall, but everything was cool.) It was very home-y actually, and it was cool enough every night to light a fire in the big brick fireplace that sat in the center of the house between the living room and the master bedroom.

The upstairs was a large open loft with a catwalk leading to the bedroom where S and I slept. I was pretty psyched when I noticed that the whole house is supported by reclaimed hewn timbers, similar to those used in our own house.

Below is the view of the living and dining area from the loft. The layout was very open and breezy--very conducive to extreme chilling out. Which we did. A lot.

That's our friend Lindsay, thoroughly engrossed in Harry Potter.
In addition to all of the neat old timbers, all of the cabinets and shelves in the house were also made from reclaimed wood. That look is a little too rustic for my everyday taste, but it worked pretty well in this setting.

I did manage to refrain from stealing the cool kilim rug in the foyer, but it was tough.
So that's the grand house tour. It's possible that I thought so highly of the house only because it was ultra-relaxing and not a half-finished mess like our own... Even still, I'd go back tomorrow given the chance! Maybe next year?

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