
26 on the 26th

I have a history of bad birthdays...to the point where I was really dreading this one, not because I'm another year older but because I value my friends and family and do not wish them or myself to get hurt, sick or maimed or to fall into otherwise unfortunate circumstances.

Fortunately the good Lord heard my prayers and granted me a great one this year. And my dear, romantic husband kicked it up a few (hundred) notches by surprising me with a limo and a long journey to a really nice restaurant in the middle of nowhere, where we met my parents for some fun celebrating.

And this dessert picture is for my three-year-old nephew, who called and asked me if I could take a picture of the cake and send it to him since he couldn't come to my birthday party and taste it for himself. (!!!)

This one's for you, Judah! Wish you were here!

I will post pics of my awesome birthday presents next... If you read this blog regularly I'm guessing you already know what they are... And special thanks to everyone who emailed, texted, Facebooked, called, sent cards, etc. I am truly overwhelmed by the birthday love this year!

1 comment:

  1. Awe it was your golden birthday! Congrats it looked fun. I had my golden birthday this year too (also on a 26th).


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