
Last Call

Hey all! I'm shutting the giveaway down and picking a winner at Noon EST today, so if you haven't signed up yet you'd better hurry hurry hurry!


In other news, thanks so much for your patience and kind words this week. I don't want to lose any readers for a lack of posts, but this week I just needed to simplify a little. There is a giant snowstorm looming for the weekend, and though I can't wait for winter to be over I am kind of looking forward to being snowed in with S. (We live in the very center of that scary little oval that currently says "Potentially Paralyzing Conditions" on the weather map.) S gave me a major pep talk last night about all the things that have been weighing me down this week, and I'm feeling a little better today.

I also got the sweetest phone call from my 4-year-old nephew this week. He told me about snowmen, how to care for a pet snail, and how if I had a baby I might not be lonely at home all day. I'm not sure where he came up with that, but I hope my clock hasn't started ticking so loudly that even he can hear it!

Anyway, I'll be contacting the giveaway winner by email later today and then I'll post the results. Next week I should be back on track with my usual ramblings about our progress, or lack thereof, around the ol' blog house! Thanks, as always, for reading. You guys are the best.

1 comment:

  1. Emily Kate: So, ......... who won?


Thanks for reading! I love your thoughts, feedback and suggestions. Keep 'em coming!