
We have a winner!

We had 33 entries to our little giveaway, and random.org just happened to choose #33! Ella, that lucky girl, got her entry in at the very last minute before I shut things down.

Ella, I sent you an email! As soon as she sends me her address the lovely pillow in question will be shipped to her home, undoubtedly providing much color and cheer into her life!

Congrats to Ella! And many thanks to everyone who entered. I truly appreciate everyone who stops by to share in this madness, and I wish I could give something to everyone.

If you live in the mid-Atlantic, snuggle up tight to each other! The snow has started. S just arrived home with a whole bunch of goodies to get us through the storm -- one of which is a new TOASTER OVEN. I don't have to cook in a coffee pot anymore! Woohoo!

1 comment:

  1. Just stumbled upon your blog, love it!! Your renovation looks amazing, can't wait to see more!


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