
Feelin Springy

How was your weekend, everyone? We spent a lot of quality time with family and friends, and it was sunny and warmer than usual. We still have some patches of snow on the ground, but the birdies are tweeting and it's feeling more like spring. We crammed a lot into one weekend, and I'm already looking forward to the next one.

I'm also looking forward to the arrival of six new titles from the colorful Penguin Clothbound Classics to add to my collection. I got six for my birthday in October, and I discovered (and ordered!) six new ones on sale at Amazon over the weekend. How happy and springy do they look?
As many of you know, I was an English Lit major in college so I have a soft spot for books (and for reading them over and over). I also lucked out because books are one of the few possessions that S does not categorize as clutter. I try to abide by his anti-clutter sentiments as much as possible, so I was thrilled when these books came out as they are a lovely compromise between functional and pretty. I am not sure how large the whole set is since they are releasing them in spurts, but I hope to own them all one day if I can.

We are also slowly getting the living room set up. We're in the process of building some bookshelves and went on a failed rug-hunting trip yesterday. More pics and updates to come this week!

1 comment:

  1. These will bring a touch of classy color to your crate shelving!


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