
Congrats Cassie and Patrick!

We officially gained a new brother-in-law on Saturday, and the wedding was just beautiful. The bride was gorgeous, the groom was charming and everything went perfectly. It was such a happy day.

This was the 2nd family wedding in the past year, as another of S's sisters (he has 3) got married last April. Like last year, work on our house took a back seat to wedding preparations for a few months, as the event was a homespun backyard affair at S's parents' house just two miles away from ours. In my opinion, those are the best kind of weddings. All the hard work makes things extra special.

We are pretty tired, but S and I were happy to spend last night in our own bed, in our own home, after lending our house to the groom's family for a few days. (Stay tuned, because I have some cute stories to share about our 8 houseguests' experiences during their stay here at 3820!)

Our post-wedding recovery time was short though, as S hopped on a plane for a business trip this morning, returning tomorrow night... and Thursday evening we're trekking up to Providence for our college reunion. Allegedly things are supposed to slow down once we return next week, at which time we'll be able to get rolling on house projects again. Or maybe we'll just sleep for a week and then get started. Flexibility is important in a renovation, as in a marriage. We take things as they come!

Congratulations Cassie and Pat - we love you!

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