
Did you know?

Some fun facts for your Friday:

  • Did you know that you can comfortably sleep 8 people in a half-ghetto, half-fabuloso log house? S's older sister gets married tomorrow (woohoo!), and we've got the groom, his parents, a brother, an aunt and 3 kids sleeping at the ol' shack... Pretty impressive considering we've only got half a house to put them in. (S and I were going to stay at his grandparents' house, but we opted for a hotel room over having to share a twin bed. It's just a Marriott, but I kinda never want to leave.)

  • Did you know that your Expedit bookcase is supported by a honeycomb of very thin cardboard? Our IKEA bookshelf had seen 3 moves and had been our tool shelf throughout the last 2 years. One fairly gentle push from the side was all it took to collapse it. We burned it last weekend with a bunch of brush from our fallen tree. (Sorry, environment.) We were pretty amazed by its fragile innards.

This is the Expedit:

This is the Expedit deconstructed:

  • Did you know that today is a very special day? Happy Birthday, Dad! We love you very much! May it be your best year yet, but not the best year you'll ever have.
  • Did you know that half of Americans either fill their laundry detergent cap completely full or eyeball the amount without measuring? Check out this article. It says many people use 3 times the amount of detergent necessary when washing clothes because they simply don't follow instructions. This is bad for your washing machine, your bank account and our waterways. I'm too cheap to make this mistake, so I was kinda shocked that so many people do.

OK so now that you're aware of all these amazing facts, tell me something good! I've been out of the blogging loop all week with all the wedding prep and work details, so I could use an update on what's happening in your lives!

Have a great weekend!


  1. Lol about the laundry detergent. The laundry is sort of epic over at my house right now. Yay for you guys for having so many house guests and keeping your sanity!

  2. I NEVER measure my detergent!! I never knew that people actually did measure!? This is news to me, wow. Seriously.

    I don't believe I waste it though- I don't use much. I pour a little in the cap and dump it in. Don't let me fool you though- I might be the worst GREEN person on the face of the planet. I'm not proud of this at all and I try to make small changes but man do I waste.

    I am just disgusted by Ikea at the moment. I mean I know they sell cheap stuff, but seriously?! That shocked me.

  3. Interesting fact about the detergent. I'm sure I'm guilty.

  4. Not sure if you read her blog- you may already:


  5. HAH! The expedit bookcase! We have one and I'm not surprised by it's insides... figures.

  6. Q: Did you know that you can comfortably sleep 8 people in a half-ghetto, half-fabuloso log house?

    A: No I did not. How did all that go, seeing there are no cooking facilities and all?

    Q: Did you know that your Expedit bookcase is supported by a honeycomb of very thin cardboard?

    A: I've never owned such a book case, but yes I knew. Hollow core interior and even metal exterior doors are constructed the same way, ... poorly.

    Q: Did you know that today is a very special day?

    A: No I did not. Happy Birthday to your Dad.

    Q: Did you know that half of Americans either fill their laundry detergent cap completely full or eyeball the amount without measuring?

    A: How very odd, I saw this thing on TV last week about that very thing. I use very little soap when Jane lets me do laundry.


Thanks for reading! I love your thoughts, feedback and suggestions. Keep 'em coming!