
Matching Accessories

My brother and his family visited us earlier this month, which meant some quality time with our two beloved nephews. I loved how the little one's hair, jammies and corn flakes coordinated so seamlessly with the blond living room flooring.
This little guy and his mama are both celebrating birthdays this week, so I thought a little shout-out was in order. Happy Birthday guys! ♥


  1. Being an Aunt is the best! :)

  2. ........ or an Uncle! I became an uncle at the tender age of nine. My brother and sister are much, much older than I. so, my brother and his wife had Mike and he and I did some growing up together. I tied his trike behind my bike and we both learned about inertia and the tendency for objects to move away from the center when traveling in an arc. What fun. (cute little boy. What, no Cheerios?)

  3. What a cutie pie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He's got such pretty little blonde hair :) Such a proud auntie. I'm not an aunt yet but maybe one day...


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