
Kitchen Mashup

So I'm trying to design a kitchen that's kind of a cross between this highly industrial beast:

...and this airy country beaut:

I really do think it's possible in some way... but only time will tell if I personally (you know, with all my extensive kitchen design experience) can get the balance right. Hmm. I do love a challenge, hence my choice in husbands. (Love you, Ester.)

1. Amanda Orcutt's kitchen via
2. Architectural desigher Nancy Fishelson's kitchen via
Country Living


  1. The use of the term "mashup" here makes my heart go thump-thump thinking of Glee...

  2. Vero, I've admittedly only seen Glee once, and I think it was the first episode. This is not a stance against Glee... it's a consequence of the fact that we don't have TV.


Thanks for reading! I love your thoughts, feedback and suggestions. Keep 'em coming!