
Three Things - Rustic Industrial Kitchen

Welcome to my new little column I'd like to call "Three Things." I see so many rooms that are so close to my idea of perfection, but there's that thing or two (or three!) that doesn't quite do it for me. So I thought it would be fun to look at a room and pick out 3 things I'd change it to make it my idea of perfect. (Of course, this is all subjective to my personal taste and I'd love to hear your opinions as well!)

Let's get started so you can see what I mean. Here's a sorta rustic industrial kitchen I found on Living, Etc.

This room gives me some very good feelings. There's lots of light from that big window, but there's also that weathered wood floor and whitewashed brick that give it a cozy vibe. The wooden crate and chalkboard are a nice rustic contrast to the industrial stainless countertops, and the aged, gilded mirror is unexpected and brilliant. I even like the bubbly chandelier. And that greenery -- so lively! (Note to self: My new kitchen will need some greenery.)

Obviously this is a really neat room that I'd be thrilled to have in my house, but there are a couple little things I'd choose to change if it were mine.

My Three Things:

1. Swap out those space-age-looking drawer pulls for something more laid back, like this Sash Front Mount Pull from Rocky Mountain Hardware.

2. I don't particularly like the rounded section of the island--it looks a little retro to me, in a bad -- here's that word again -- space-age kind of way. I think I'd prefer it squared off. Anything but round, really. I can't find a good picture to represent it. Hopefully you can use your imagination.

3. I've discovered that I am pretty picky about bar stools in general, and I think these are a little too sleek and new. My choice would be to provide some contrast to the shiny island and mimic the rustic feel of the other accessories found in the kitchen. In fact, changing out the stools might be the only change I'd really need. Maybe these old tractor seat stools could work....

Or these iron factory stools with wooden seats from ebay...

Or even the ever-faithful, weathered Tolix stool.

OK, those are my three things--what are yours? Would you change anything or leave it as is? And what do you think of this new little exercise? Love it or leave it?


  1. Those tractor seat stools would not fit my butt. Just sayin'.

  2. Emily Kate:

    Interesting concept you got going here.

    Three changes:

    1] I don't care for the mirror

    The gold part says "guady to me" (Did I spell that right?) I would spray it black and then sand some of it off in places.

    2] Don't like the light either

    Give me an old barn/industrial fixture (rusty or galvanized) hanging by conduit.

    3] Nor the rounded end on the counter (I'm with ya EK)

    Round tables are a logistical problem. Elbows, where do they go? Give me square any day.

    The stools are not my favorite either but you said three things. They put me in mind of examination room furishings. (Turn your head and cough please)

    That was fun, what else ya got?


Thanks for reading! I love your thoughts, feedback and suggestions. Keep 'em coming!