
Twilight (Part II).

My friend Lindsey was disappointed that my previous Twilight post had nothing to do with the famed books and movies. So, just for fun...

On the left is S circa 2005, under the lights of a high school football stadium during his coaching days, via cellphone camera. On the right is Edward Cullen, the hero of the Twilight Saga, circa 2008.

I read the Twilight series earlier this year with some voracity, despite feeling it was quite terrible all around. (I could not get through the first Harry Potter book after three attempts, so I guess I was due for a guilty pleasure read.) Middlemarch (George Eliot) is my favorite book, largely because the actual writing is unbelievably rich, deep and flawless. Twilight is nothing like that; it's purely plot-driven. The writing is crap. I don't know what came over me.

I think it was a subconscious thing. The makers of the Twilight movies clearly used this picture of S as inspiration for their marketing campaign. It was a conspiracy to suck me in, and it worked. But forget Edward vs. Jacob; I'm "Team S" all the way. (Even though he would not readily admit there was any similarity in the composition of these photos whatsoever.)

PS - Enjoy this post while it lasts; S will probably give it the stake! ☺


  1. Hahah hide it from S so you can keep it up! :)You know what, a book series that is not so well-written that can suck me in like Twilight did is OK BY ME! I read through every single book in less than a week and normally it takes me months to finish books. I could be found in bathrooms, chairs, beds, cars and every place in between reading those books! Stephanie did something right because she's now really really rich.. and we aren't. Hm...

  2. I read the first chapter of the first book and it was just too awful to continue. :) Though, I did read every single word in the Harry Potter series with relish!
    S is way hotter than either Twilight "heart throb" - little boys in my opinion!


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