
Nursery Planning.

As a new parent-to-be, it's mandatory that you endure a lot of guilt and scare tactics from outside sources -- often in the name of marketing. (And it seems like the guilt trips only get compound once you become an actual parent.) Everyone likes to tell horror stories, and everyone wants to sell you something to make your baby safer, smarter and healthier. Though I've been doing lots of research, I've been trying not to get caught up in all the mad preparation and gadgetry that seem to accompany the having of a baby.

I have a theory, and we'll see if I'm right in a few months, that it doesn't have to be as dramatic/traumatic of an event as some make it out to be. I know it's going to be really hard at times, but it's also a completely natural thing. Instead of flipping our lives upside down in anticipation, I'm hoping we can do our best to be chill and relaxed and take it as it comes. Famous last words? Maybe.

As I've mentioned, this is one reason why I don't plan on buying a ton of things or completely decking out the nursery right now, before we really know what we're in for. Another is that our renovation project has every room in the house in an uproar, and things are constantly shifting around. (We still have a washer, dryer, fridge and cooking area in the living room.) That said, I do want to have a little nook tucked away in the guest room that is calm and peaceful for all of us.

Here's what I have on my idea arsenal right now for creating a sweet space without spending a lot:

Clockwise from the top left:
  1. Large basket for stashing toys and books. We'll think about long-term storage (shelves, etc.) once we get settled in a little bit. This Round Seagrass Basket is $40 at Target.
  2. Pale dusty pink curtains with a little ruffle. I'm hoping to make our own for much cheaper, but these are $42-$49 each at Urban Outfitters. (Honestly if I don't get around to hanging curtains at all, so be it. We already have panels to block out light.)
  3. Small piece of art. Botanical genetics print, free from Vintage Printable. (I plan to have it printed for a few bucks at Kinko's since it's a little larger than a standard printer can handle.)
  4. Paper mobile. This Frazier & Wing one is $75 at allmodern, but I hope to DIY a similar one with cardstock and an embroidery hoop.
  5. Simple crib. This is the $70 Sniglar from IKEA. No bells or whistles but still safe, and I'm finding that I prefer the soothing, unfinished wood look over white. Unfortunately, the mattress will probably cost twice as much as the crib itself. S's mom is making a quilt somewhat similar to the one pictured.
  6. Soft rug. The Erslev from IKEA is just $30 and is 100% cotton, reversible and easy to clean. (And cheap to replace if needed.) This purchase will probably wait until after the dirtiest parts of the renovation are over though -- hopefully by the time she's ready to play on the floor!
  7. A few cute toys. I've resolved to not let too much baby clutter overtake the house. If it's not valuable or particularly lovable, we're passing it on once she's done with it. I've always loved hedgehogs, and this wood teether ($12 from littlesaplingtoys on etsy) is just irresistible.
  8. White wicker rocker. I've looked high and low for the rocking chair of my dreams, but I can't find anything similar. My mom offered the white wicker one she used when I was a baby, and I'm thinking of jumping on that offer even though S is not a wicker fan. (The fact that it's free and does not require reupholstering might be the final selling factor in this scenario.)
So these are the cheap little decorative touches and useful things I'm looking at for her room so far, to get us started. I still haven't found a dresser for her tiny clothes, but that's on the list as well and I'm prowling Craigslist and thrift stores. Of course nothing is written in stone (since I haven't actually bought a single thing yet) so who knows where we'll end up by the time she arrives. But since this is decor-related, I thought some of you might enjoy the peek into my thoughts.

Now I'm going to go take a nap, because I haven't been able to sleep all week despite being exhausted. I guess it's preparation for the fun to come!


  1. Oh I love all of those things!!!!!!!!!!! :) Girly things are so pretty :) I'm so excited for you darlin. Can I give one piece of unsolicited, non-horror-ish, non-life uprooting advice?? (I have a lot of the latter too if you want it HA, j/k.. sort of? :) The rocking chair (and that one may be IT- depends on each person) has to be the most comfortable thing you have EVER sat in and a foot rest is crucial!!! I never thought I would want lots of baby clutter either until we ended up with our beautiful little collicky man :) I'm so eternally grateful now for the swing, baby rocker and floor gym! I still really do not prefer to have all of these things all over the place, but like you said... it's for a season and it won't be here forever. We'll put it in the attic and since we have purchased all gender-neutral things, we'll use it all again and maybe... again?! :)That's also the reason I wanted the 3-in-1 crib that goes to toddler bed and then to full sized bed. We should never have to buy him a bed again! He can bring it with him when he moves out, shoot. Love talking baby stuff :) Hit me up ANYTIME!!

  2. AnonymousMay 26, 2011


    Your first and second paragraphs smack of wisdom. Marketing truely has made babydom a chore with all the "Must haves". Hold fast, stand your ground, be not moved and later on, remember that babies will play with the box a toy came in, longer than playing with the toy.
    True play is in the mind, not the toy.
    Jane and I have 6 kids and had foster children also. A rich baby is one who's parents love them unconditionally, not the one with a Baby wipes warmer.('cause that's just stupid)

    Ok, that sounds like fatherly advise not a blog follower. Anyway, stop jetting around the World and tell us 'bout that kitchen progress?


    May 26, 2011

  3. Excellent advice about the chair Linds! I know for a fact that I do not want a glider rocker, because those make me seasick! I recall mom's rocker being comfy, but I'll have to try it out again. We're also going gender neutral as much as possible in case we have a boy next time (if there is a next time), and opting for inexpensive girlie touches when applicable. Seems wasteful otherwise.

    We are planning to go somewhat minimal at first, then see what we need once she arrives. If a swing AND bouncer AND play mat seem like critical lifesavers, we'll deal with it!

  4. Haha when I just read that about the glider, I thought, "YES". It makes me a little seasick too! Are you one of those that has to ride in the front seat because the back makes you carsick? I am that way. I think what I do like about it is the comfort level, and I can SLOWLY glide with little effort. Did I mention I can't wait to see his little princess!?!?!??!

  5. Love this inspiration shot. I have similar things in the works. Simple,classic. I also have that mobile on my long mobile list!


Thanks for reading! I love your thoughts, feedback and suggestions. Keep 'em coming!