
Current House Tour Tab

You guys are smart, so I know you've probably noticed the tabs I added below the blog header.

Just in case you haven't noticed, there they are... and now you can see the Before and the Current photos all in one place. Today I particularly wanted to point out that I finally updated the Current House Tour tab with the latest photos of everyone's favorite shack.

...You know, I call it a shack, but it's actually quite a big house. I'm growing more and more concerned about how I'm going to keep it clean when it's all finished. Yikes.

While I'm on the subject of the header, it's looking a little funky now with the tabs and everything. I think it's time for another change. I wouldn't be me if I weren't constantly tinkering with something though, right?

In the meantime, check out the tabs -- and maybe we can treat today's post like a suggestion box. I'm in the mood for some constructive criticism since S is away on business and I have no one to torment me. Is there anything you want me to post about? Should I stop being so wordy? Should I spend less time blogging and more time working on the house that I'm supposed to be blogging about? I'm all ears! Tell me what's on your mind.


  1. I like your blog as is. You should just post more often! :-)

  2. I love the way you write about things. And, I love that you have taken on an impossible task, and are proving how you are making it possible. My only suggestion? Your before and afters are so dramatic, I would have a tab dedicated just to them. :-)

  3. Emily Kate:

    I like your postings just fine. With Jane in Israel for the next ten days, I'd be glad to provide you with some torment. So, how's that kitchen coming?
    Got it all figured out yet?

  4. Ooooh...! So I see that I stopped by to visit just in time! I'm off to click on your new tabs - how exciting!


  5. Hi. Me again.

    Emily!! S!! I love the details - the chalkboard wall, and the teal color peeking in one of the pictures, and your bedroom (not too girly, I don't think), and the clean, crisp contrast of the wood and the white walls in that beautiful stairway area with the frames..?

    I am so happy this house found you..! What a special place your home is..! You guys are doing a terrific job. I'll have to check back to see how the kitchen turns out - I'm sure it'll be beautiful... Congratulations on the beautiful home you are creating - it's incredibly inspiring.


  6. JB - I will take that as a high compliment... and I would love to, if only someone would pay me to blog. :-)

    Jenny - Good idea! I will work on that.

    Mel - We're closer than we were yesterday, so that's something. Safe travels to Jane!

    Maria - Thanks so much for stopping by. We have a long way to go, and I will be looking to you for inspiration in getting there!

  7. Emily, Think you could draw and scan us a floor plan? I'm slow whitted and all turned around! Hope all is well1

  8. Zachariah, check out the latest post!


Thanks for reading! I love your thoughts, feedback and suggestions. Keep 'em coming!