
The Measure: Beautiful clothes, and a very small world

Theseus D-ring clasp dress. Photos by Stephanie Edreich Piscitelli, Bellini Portraits.

This is a little off topic, but while poking around the web for little girl clothes I stumbled across this amazing Etsy shop called The Measure. I loved that the clothes were feminine (there are ruffles!) but that they also used upcycled materials like used men's dress shirts and classic, sometimes utilitarian fabrics. The clothes are whimsical and feminine, but they are also simple and have a hint of the rustic and tomboyish -- totally my style! (And hopefully my little girl's too.)

As a kid I hated the bubble sleeves on my dresses and the giant bows my mom put in my hair -- but here I am, admiring ruffled petticoats (probably my favorite item in the shop) and picturing them on my own daughter. Maybe just for special occasions...

After swooning over everything in this shop, something magical happened when I started digging a little deeper. I discovered that I shared a suite with the shop owner Kiki Fluhr for a semester in college!!! (We lived in Hegeman Hall, if you're a fellow Brunonian.) Can you believe that? What an incredibly small world! I had seen some of her other adorable creations under a different Etsy shop, but I hadn't known about this newer, more sophisticated line she recently launched. I love that her constant knitting back in college ended up turning into such a neat business.

Philostrate Upcycled Sundress. Photos by Stephanie Edreich Piscitelli, Bellini Portraits.

I may have to send her some of S's discarded dress shirts and have a sundress or two made out of them. Seriously adorable.

Although this post is not renovation related, it does teach two important lessons: First, this world is much smaller than you think. Second, a ruffled petticoat makes every outfit infinitely more adorable.


  1. http://www.hannahkatespecialcollection.com/shop/babies/baby-girls

    Reminds me of HannaKate!! The models for her clothing are "resolved2worship"'s children. She has 7 kids and her blog is just stunning. I admire the way she raises her 7 kids without TV, pop culture, or most modern day toys. It's truly amazing.

  2. Wow, those are so beautiful and simple. Just lovely!

  3. Lindsey - those are some beautiful kids and cute clothes! And her parenting style takes some serious dedication -- amazing indeed. I'll have to check out her blog.

  4. Too cute! but the long ribbons on the first dress give me the heeby jeebies--I can imagine little kids getting really tangled up in them.


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